Monday, November 16, 2015

Miracles can happen when you least expect it.

I have been divorced for two years now. It is still weird to me to say that- I AM DIVORCED. I really don’t like the sound of it, and it still can be an uncomfortable topic, but I can accept it. Divorce seems like a defeat, but despite the situation, God still works miracles in my life. One thing for certain I know- God truly has taken care of me and my daughter. There hasn’t been a time where my needs haven’t been met.
I am happy..
More importantly, my 6 year old is happy..
The last two weeks my daughter and I have been on vacation. We had a wonderful, amazing time. However, I ended up not having enough paid time off, leaving me to have one full week causing me to not get paid. I have been fretting on how I was supposed to get by, because my check will literally be half of what it should be.
I was trying to brush my worry aside…
But secretly wasn’t sure what I was going to do.
Thankfully, God was already working.
My daughter’s father (ex-husband) has not sent any money for my daughter since we left him. He literally hasn’t done anything. Out of nowhere, he calls and says “I’m sending you $600.00.”
Seriously I thought?
You want to bless me?
Wow…even still just thinking about this blows my mind. Someone that has done nothing but make my life stressful, where we haven’t talked at all, wants to give me money at a time where I truly needed it.
God’s provision for my daughter and I never ceases to amaze me. I feel like time and time again, he does little things like this to show me how much He truly cares for His children.
Thank you God…

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Standing with France

As I sit at the airport watching the rain,
I almost feel as the drops are God’s tears and His pain,
These are just my thoughts of the latest events,
What I feel, and what I lament,

I can’t even imagine, My heart is grieving for you and your Nation,
For a moment that should have been full of elation
Turned to sadness and death,
As people sadly, unexpectedly took their last breath,

I can’t even imagine waking up one day,
Thinking of such excitement, ready to watch the band play,
Sitting in the concert hall, with a full crowd,
With the music being played unbelievably loud,
When a man runs in, yelling, shooting all around,
And people start running, hitting the ground,
Blood all over, People Screaming,
 People must have wondered if they were dreaming,

I can’t even imagine the pain you are feeling,
I know that the entire world is reeling,
What do you tell a child now missing their  dad or their mom,
How do you tell them their loved one is gone?
How do you tell them their family was taken,
How do you tell them their Country is shaken?

The value of human life should be an important thing,
So, when your passion in life convinces you to bring
The death and infliction,
The pain, yet you have no conviction
You sure don’t make anyone want to join your cause,
You have done nothing, certainly not getting my applause,
In fact, in your cowardly death, you’re in for a surprise,

For God gets the last word, and you’ll get your demise,

Thursday, May 29, 2014

5 reasons why I love being a mom!

I love being a mom. Sure it can be stressful and tiresome, but it’s definitely the most rewarding job I’ve ever had.
I was thinking earlier, what are some pros of being a mom? Sure there’s a hundred reasons why being a parent is awesome, but here is just my general, top five reasons why being a parent is awesome!
51. You always have a person to hang out with.
Sometimes I like to go out for dinner and don’t have anyone to go with me. My daughter will ALWAYS want to go. I know that I’ll never be alone because she’s here. I like knowing that I always have a friend in my daughter. (I know she’s only five, but I plan to keep our bond like this forever :) )
2. My daughter always knows what to say to cheer me up.
I could be having the worst day ever, and she will look at me and sayyou are so beautiful mom out of nowhere. Kids can be so encouraging. If I’m sad my daughter will give me extra kisses and hugs.
3. I love seeing the accomplishments that my daughter makes.
She just turned five, and is now able to do so much. Just last night she was reading words out of our nighttime book. Nothing makes a parent prouder that seeing their kid reach a milestone (reading). It’s one of my favorite things about being a parent- seeing her succeed makes me feel like I’ve succeeded.
4. It’s awesome knowing that there is a little child that I am responsible for.
She will grow up with the disciplines I’ve helped to instill in her. What I teach her now she will carry for the rest of her life. I only pray that she will be the best person possible when she’s an adult.
5. Another pro to being a parent is that our kids teach us so much.
They teach us how to be patient and forgiving. They show us how adults can still play and have fun. They show us that there’s still good and innocence in this world. Kids teach us about life.
Being a parent can be extremely challenging, and is definitely tiring at times. It definitely can feel like this picture below at times.
My daughter has taught me so many things though- it’s definitely worth it!

5 things I want my daughter to know.

I am 27 years old, and have an amazing daughter who just turned 5. I get a bit anxious thinking about how life will be for her when she is a young adult. People today are hurting more than ever. People today are broken. People today seem lost.
I want my daughter to be above that. I want her to live a life of purpose. Most everyone has been hurtbroken, and lost at some point (including me). Here is a list of things I think are important and I would like my daughter to know about life when she’s older:
1. Partying is not important- focus on things that will make you a better person. You will be better off if you choose not to party when you are young. Drinking typically leads to drama, hurt, broken hearts, and poor choices. I have seen people arrested, relationships ruined, and plenty of poor choices made by people who have abused alcohol.  Avoid the consequences- choose to stay away from that. Going down that path can open doors for other things such as drugs. Drugs are horrible. They ruin families. You will be better off if you never touch alcohol, and especially drugs. People abuse drugs and alcohol because they are trying to fill a void in their life. Drugs/alcohol will never fill the void like people hope. It only makes life more difficult.
2. Wait for the right man. Every girl wants her prince. We all want to feel loved and appreciated. If you fool around with every random guy what’s to say that you won’t miss your prince? Most guys these days are interested in one thing. The right guy will be interested in your heart. He’s the one worth waiting for. It might take longer than you’d like but it will be worth it in the end. A broken heart is not fun. The right guy won’t break your heart.
3. Keeping your heart right with God is important. Many things will come and try to knock you off the right path with God. It’s good to have strong beliefs that won’t be swayed with temptation. Don’t miss out on all that God wants for you because you weren’t obeying Him. Follow God and He will help you navigate through this life.
4. Never settle for less than what you deserve. This is so important. People today are stuck in relationships because they feel like they won’t find better. People are in dead end jobs because they don’t feel like they are “smart” enough. You deserve the best! Don’t settle for anything else! I settled for things in my life. I learned the hard way, and it’s taken me years to finally get back on the right track. I could’ve avoided all the heartache and grief had I just determined for only the best in my life.
5. Be true to yourself- stand true to your convictions. You’ll end up regretting following the crowd. People today give into peer pressure all the time. Don’t allow yourself to be one that isn’t true to yourself, and gives in to peer pressure. trueI have seen/experienced heartache in all 5 of these. My hope is that my daughter will learn from my mistakes. I want her to succeed. I want her heart to stay whole. I want her to be someone that stands up for her convictions. My hope is she will avoid the struggle and hurt so many experience these days. Our kids deserve the best!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Such is life :)

Some days a person feels tired….
We hit the snooze button a few extra times…
We pull our blankets up just a bit higher to keep warm…
Finally, after we drag ourselves put of bed to take a shower and put makeup on to try and appear “presentable”, we are awake…
I find it funny when I first wake up I dream about the next moment I can hop back into bed…
But why is it that when after a long day of work, cleaning up after the kids, and making dinner for everyone we finally hop back into bed- and are WIDE awake??
Did I set out everyone’s clothes? Did I pack lunches? Did I clean everything? Ahh, what should I wear tomorrow?
Never-ending questions…A mom’s job is never through.
Such is life I suppose lol….

The life of parent...

Oh how life changes!
Before I had my daughter my life was always on-the-go.
I would literally stay up all night. Time had no meaning to me. I did what I wanted when I wanted.
Sure I’ll stay up all night watching movies
Sure it’s ok to stay in bed till noon
Of course I’ll spend every penny I have on MYSELF
I get to watch whatever I want on TV with no interruptions yay
Were going where I pick to eat
I’ve never been much of a partier honestly, but before I had my daughter if I wanted to party all night I would
I use to be able to read any book or magazine I wanted- pretty sure I didn’t even own a kids book
Oddly enough ;) when I had my daughter everything changed…
Just this evening I was in bed snuggling with my daughter watching Goofy by 7pm- I can hardly make it past 11pm now lol.
Sure I can try and stay in bed till noon. But I guarantee you I’ll have a little red headed girl attacking me no later than 9am- some days earlier! I guarantee you- this WILL HAPPEN- every single day.
I can’t even remember the last time I bought an article of clothing for myself. It’s been months since I’ve gotten my hair done. Now, every time I go to the store I can guarantee you we swing by the kids clothing. All of my money goes to this little princess. I go without, so she has more. But I’m ok with that. She’s worth it :)
95% of the time I’m stuck watching My Little Pony or another show like that. I know all the characters to every cartoon a little kid watches! I must admit, I’m always trying to get my daughter to watch Arthur hehehe…Arthur was awesome when I was younger.
Almost every single time I go out to eat with my daughter she always wins in where we go- why does every little kid love Mcdonald’s so much? I’ll never understand.
The wildest parties I go to these days are birthday parties for five year olds. Sure it’s still loud and wild like a young adult party-there’s even drinking (of course juice boxes)!
I spend a lot of my time reading kids books…literally just finished reading this one..
Why is it that reading a story to a kid makes the parent more tired than the kid?? Some things I’ll never understand.
I wouldn’t trade my new life for my old life any day of the week. My daughter is sweet and loving. She makes life fun- I don’t mind being stuck at McDonald’s weekly. I don’t mind watching cartoons constantly. I don’t mind staying in every Friday night. I wouldn’t trade a minute of the time I get to spend with my daughter. There’s no place I’d rather be… Well besides Disneyland- with her of course ;)